We meet one night a week in the evening. There is a class for beginners as well.
Chances are you know quite a bit of Spanish already. You just don't know it. Both English and Spanish share many words derived from Latin.
Some words like doctor, cantor, canal, capable, cable, inevitable, animal, local, etc. are spelled the same but are pronounced diferentemente.
Others like presidente, importante, inteligente, restaurante, estudiante, construccion, operacion, estacion, mantencion, automatico, etc. require some modification and voila, you are speaking Spanish!
Student's comments: "The class is fun. There is no pressure. You can learn as much as you can at your own pace. We have learned to translate some popular Spanish songs and some humorous quotations. We've talked about Mexican culture, customs, food, and history. In the near future we hope to take a field trip to a nearby Mexican Restaurant and savor authentic Mexican cuisine."
Should you have any questions regarding dates, times or costs, please contact the current president listed under the Groups/Clubs Section in this year's Phone Directory.