
Mixed Golf League

Membeship in the Mixed League is open to men and women who have joined the Greenbriar Golf Association.

We play on Friday mornings on the White Course (front nine) only and you must have a handicap on that course.

We play "Stroke Play" with a two person team (one woman and one man) playing against another two person team each week. Full handicaps are needed and winners are determined by team net scores.

The dues are $45. This incudes golf every Friday morning, luncheon after the season ends, and prizes for everyone.

Organizational Meeting will be held in April. At this meeting teams will be formed of one woman and one man per team.

Teams are selected ramdomly. No spouses or significant others may be partners.

Play starts the first Friday in May and continues every Friday morning into September. Start times vary from 8:00 with ten minute intervals until all teams tee off.

Luncheon will be held the first part of October at Banquet Hall in the Toms River area.

Score sheets will be posted in March at Information Alley in the Clubhouse.

Membership is limited to the number of teams we will have, therefore is is suggested that all should sign up early.

Our mixed golf league is a fun league. Prizes are small, but the people are great, and lunch is outstanding. Our prizes include fifty cents for each birdie you make during the entire season.

Come join us and enjoy golf on Friday mornings this coming season.